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My passion and dedication to my spiritual work and spirit communication is performed with the utmost integrity and discretion.

Guest Apperances

  • Dr. Paul Radio Show

  • Belleview Biltmore Resort

  • Ghost Hunters- TAPS

  • Gaylord Palms Resort

  • Florida Southwestern State College

  • University of Florida

  • Unlimited Possibilities Hypnosis, Inc.

I exhibited psychic abilities and began communicating with spirits at the age of 4.  It wasn’t until the age of 17 that my abilities became very clear after having a premonition about two of my very dear friends.  I spoke to one of them about the vision that came to me, and I begged them not to go to the party that they were to attend that evening.  I saw that they were in great danger.  After hearing about my vision, they both decided to attend the party anyway.  I told them that if they were to go to the party, it was imperative that they be HOME at midnight.  One of my friends listened, the other did not.  This vision did manifest in the early morning hours of the very next day.  While on his way home from the party, the friend that chose to stay after midnight was murdered on his way home, shot with a .357 magnum in the chest, all because he was just “cutting through” someone’s yard.


Needless to say, I was both devastated and scared that this vision came true. That experience taught me that I had a very special gift that should be shared with others in a very positive way.


Since that day, my quest has been for the “truth”.  Can I really “see” and “talk” to dead people?  Why is it that I can “see” the past, the present, and the future? Crazy as it may sound, I realized very quickly that I really could communicate with the after life.  It is the voices of these souls that have taught me the essentials of this earthly life, thus beginning my 25 year journey of giving thousands of personal spirit “readings” to clients, and teaching the art of metaphysics.


I am their “Medium”, their doorway from their divine realm, to this earthly realm.


These beautiful beings want to communicate with the ones they love and miss.  I am their voice, and honored that I am able to do their service.  Through this journey my personal life has become more loving and more profound because my work is done with the spirits divine love and wisdom.


This Divine Love makes all things possible….physical and non-physical.  It is the driving force of our souls.  I have done thousands of readings over the past 25 years and I am still in amazement of how these communications take place, and that I am the one passing on this accurate information.  I have learned to trust in what I see, feel, and hear, as we all should and can.


May you find this Divine site informational and up lifting.


Blessed Be,


Michelle Torrey

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